See Dirt Run! ™ Inc. takes stewardship of the environment seriously. The Earth is our home and the only place we have to live and share with all of our neighbors. It is our moral and logical duty to take care of our home, and insure that our children and grandchildren alike will have as good quality of life as we currently enjoy.
The products and equipment that we use and the way in which we use them are important in minimizing the negative impact on the ecology. Much has been made of VOCs (volatile oil compounds) and their impact on air quality, resulting in more stringent laws and regulations regarding their use. VOC legislation has already been mandated on the East Coast and other states are expected to follow. The cleaning solutions and sealants we use, as well as the way we apply them are all compliant with these regulations. Additionally, we stay abreast of the latest studies, products and technologies that may help us to reduce the environmental footprint we leave each day as we work. Our staff is trained in environmentally friendly methods.
We urge all of our customers and fellow citizens alike, to respect the planet and leave as small a footprint as possible.